Seattle Public Schools

Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary

6725 45th Ave. S
Seattle, WA 98118
About King
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Main Office: 206-252-6770
Fax: 206-252-6771

Martin Luther King, Jr. School Profile

Attendance Area School Attendance Area Map 

School Leadership and Board District

Community Partners at MLK, Jr. Elementary Community resources and programs at MLK, Jr. Elementary

Continuous School Improvement Plan (C-SIP)

Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary C-SIP

学校持续改善计划(C-SIP)是每所学校的行动计划 它确定了学校在当前和即将到来的学年计划重点关注的领域, 他们希望学生达到的成绩目标, 以及学校计划如何合作实现这些目标.

这些计划会定期更新,以反映每所学校正在使用的策略. 这个文件也可以作为我们的标题I学校全校范围内的改进计划.

School and Building Reports

School Report

Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School Report

学校报告显示了一个学校学术发展的简要快照, student climate, accountability, family and staff engagement, and overall school performance. 学校报告由州公共教育监督办公室为该州的每个学校和地区制作,并在全年定期更新数据.

On state assessments, 期望参加但没有参加的学生, such as absences or opting out, are counted as non-proficient. 这可能会影响学校的整体水平评级.

Questions about school reports? Contact the Research and Evaluation Department

School Climate Survey

Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School Climate Survey

学校气候调查用于改善学校水平, climate surveys are given to all staff, students and families each year. The staff and student surveys are given to respective groups in person at schools; the family survey occurs in the spring.

Building History

Martin Luther King, Jr. Building History and Information

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)

对马丁·路德·金遇刺案中已知石棉的监测. 每六个月由指定人员评估含石棉建筑材料的状况。. 6个月的评估结果由地区保存.

As required under AHERA, Martin Luther King, Jr. 小学必须保持石棉管理计划(AMP),并在学校存档. AMP可在周一至周五的上课时间进行审查. For additional information, please contact:

Wendy Couture
Environmental Health and Safety Manager

Discipline Dashboard

As part of Seattle Excellence, Seattle Public Schools’ Strategic Plan, 该地区致力于中断不合比例的纪律做法. 支持这项工作,提高透明度和问责制, 该学区为每所学校创建并发布了面向公众的纪律指示板,并于11月1日发布, 2021.

纪律仪表板数据反映了当前学年,并将在整个学年每季度更新一次. 如有任何疑问或疑虑,请联系具体学校的学校领导.

Academic Year: Current academic school year.
Actions by Month:按月份和开除类型划分的纪律处分次数.
Days: Count of exclusion days for an exclusion type.
Days of Exclusion: Count of exclusion days.
Discipline Rate:至少有一次违纪事件的学生人数除以所有在校生人数.
E. Expulsions:学生属性的紧急开除次数.
Enrolled: Count of enrolled students.
Exclusion Actions:学生属性的排除操作计数.
Exclusion Days:学生属性的排除天数.
Exclusion Type: Short-term suspension (SS), Long-term suspension (LS), Emergency expulsion (EE), In-school suspension (IS), Expulsion (EX), and Interim alternative education setting (IA).
Exclusionary Actions: Count of exclusionary actions.
Expulsions: Count of expulsions for a student attribute.
FERPA Compliance:家庭教育权利和隐私法合规. *
Incidents by Day of Week: Count of disciplinary actions by day of week.
Incidents by Grade: Count of disciplinary actions by grade.
Incidents by Hour: Count of disciplinary actions by hour.
Incidents by Exclusion Type:排除类型的纪律事件数.
Incidents by Student Attribute or Support Service: Count of disciplinary incidents. 有多少学生参与其中,事故就会被计算多少次.
Incidents per 100 Students:违纪事件数除以在校生数,再乘以100. 有多少学生参与其中,事故就会被计算多少次.
Rate: Discipline rate for an exclusion type.
School Name: School name.
Suspensions: Count of suspensions for a student attribute.

*请注意:当一个小组少于10名注册学生时, 至少两个最小组的所有值都将被抑制.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Levy Projects


Levy Approved : 2001

Project Description

The existing facility was totally replaced, 将学生人数从325人增加到445人, expanding the preschool program (CAMPI), and increasing gross square feet to 66,475 from 39,172.

  • Building Size: 66,475 gross square feet
  • Capacity: 445 students (grades K-5)
  • Site Size: 3.4 acres
  • Total Cost: $17.1 million
  • Completion Date: September 2004
  • 建筑师:Burr Lawrence Rising + Bates Architects
  • Contractor: Kassel Construction, Inc.
  • 奖项:美国学校优秀设计奖 & University in 2005

About BEX

卓越建筑(BEX)资本征费用于资助现代化或更换老旧建筑物的项目, fund technology for student learning, 处理整个地区的地震和安全问题以及主要的预防性维护需求.

2001年,西雅图选民通过了价值3.98亿美元的“卓越建筑II”(BEX II),以取代即将到期的“卓越建筑I”资本税. 它为整个地区的学校翻新或新建提供了资金.


2004年,西雅图选民通过了BTA II资本税. 该基金资助了该地区每所学校近700个设施改善项目和技术升级. 

  • 2006 : Roof, exterior renovation, mechanical upgrade


The $150 million Buildings, 科技及学术/体育(BTA I)资本征款于一九九八年二月获投票通过. BTA I在该市的每所学校资助了超过465个大小设施项目. 这些项目包括安全和安保升级, 更换屋顶和窗户,技术和运动场升级.

  • 2002 :屋顶,抗震升级,火灾报警,技术
  • 2001 : Wide Area Network, PBX System
  • 2001 : PBX Sys/IS

About BTA

The Buildings, 技术和学术(BTA)资本税支持该地区的长期计划,以升级和翻新老化的学校设施,并解决入学人数增长问题.

BTA IV资本税于2016年获得选民批准. 十大正规网赌软件将从2017年到2022年获得这些税收基金.

Enroll at Martin Luther King, Jr.